Secret Streams

41 minutes

Secret Streams is an intermedia performance investigating the essence of motion - the unifying power between dance, film, and kinetic sculpture. Inspired by the spiritual writings of esoteric philosopher Rudolf Steiner, Secret Streams gestures to the fragmentary nature of memory and the ephemeral qualities of movement.

Improvisational instinct and choreographic rigor mingle as lush movement meets complex dynamic phrasing devised and performed by Alissa Cardone and Ingrid Schatz.  Film projections by Alla Kovgan explore the possibilities of combining elements and techniques of dance filmmaking with live dance. The kinetic set by Dedalus Wainwright explores ideas of absence, presence and flow. The lighting design by Kathy Couch alternately merges and articulates visual boundaries and unifies space and body. The result is "a true multimedia synthesis” (Marcia Siegel, Boston Phoenix), characterized by choreographer/filmmaker Laurie McLeod as "spare, elegant, brave and really invigorating to the eye and mind. The best thing I've seen in ages.”

There is something inherently cold, indifferent, mechanical, calculated about technology/video that mutes the emotional, human impact of dance video works. Kinodance Company’s work - with its deft weaving of live action and projected imagery - is opening important remedies to this predicament.
— Jim Coleman, choreographer/professor of dance, Mt. Holyoke University
what you all achieve in terms of suspending time, looping back on time is remarkable
— Richard Colton, director of Summer Stages Dance Festival

Performance History

Premiered in 2004 at St. Petersburg International Dance Film Festival in Russia, Secret Streams has been presented during numerous festivals including Monaco Dance Forum (Monaco), Boston Cyberarts Festival (USA), Concord Academy Summer Stages (USA), Berkshire Fringe Festival (USA), HIGH Fest (Armenia), Dance New Amsterdam (NYC) among others.